Featured image of post Welcome to the Garage

Welcome to the Garage

First post!


Hey there,

This post serves as the quintessential “first!” post on any blog to make sure that the wiring is all glued together properly. I’m super excited to have a place to be able to write long-form content, such as guides and walkthroughs which aren’t appropriate for other platforms.

Facts for Nerds

This blog was built with Hugo and a customized Stack theme; the beauty of this combination is that the entirity of this website is actually static! There’s no databases, nor crazy hosting setups.


I paired it with FrontMatter to give me a headless content management system that runs directly out of Visual Studio Code too.

RSS Compatible?

Yep - the theme I built around exports the full page content in RSS. So it theory it should be compatible with the RSS readers other geriatric millenials are using!

Hosted in scenic Zack's Garage
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy